There are many opportunities where people choose to vacation cruise-style! World cruises are great ways to be in a safe environment, have others with you and still see the regions of the world that are difficult to navigate on your own. If you don’t speak the language of the area you’re visiting, most times, someone on the cruise ship staff will be able to assist you in making your inquiry. Honeymoon cruises are often the most fondly remembered and “redone” at significant anniversary celebrations. A family cruise is offered by many different cruise lines and caters to the activity levels of children of all ages as well as keeping mom and dad in mind with sophisticated dinner menus, drink and dance all while the little ones are being supervised by the cruise ship staff.
If you have decided that a cruise is something that you want to embark upon, make sure that you’re prepared for any kind of weather. As the ocean can be as unpredictable as weather in the Midwest, you’ll want to pack for below normal temperatures as well as above average highs. The evenings can get very chilly on a cruise liner and the day time can be blistering hot. If you are from an area where the constant temperatures have you spoiled, plan on returning home with a cold!
A smaller, more personal type of cruise would be a river cruise. These are offered off piers where there is a river or smaller body of water and, while cruising up and back again, the river’s banks can be full of monstrous buildings in a downtown area (which are the most beautiful at night!) to areas where the only thing you see is land. These cruises are short in duration, typically a few hours, and the focus of attention is what can be done on the boat, not what the cruise offers as far as venues and outside destinations.
A fun river cruise includes a show and dinner, a time of “free” roaming and investigation of the ship and its inhabitants. For a price, the drinks and dinner are quite affordable and the ability to “get away from it all” if even for a few hours can make a nice evening out for the two of you.